Kickball Rules

*NEW* Rosters & Waivers Required *NEW*

All players must be listed on the team roster AND must accept & sign the online waiver to be allowed to play. Captains can edit their roster by logging in at and clicking "Manage My Team." Once listed on the roster, all players can log in to sign the waiver at



Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!



Every individual participating in a Players Sport & Social Group program may compete as a member of the gender that they identify with, regardless of their gender at birth. We expect all players to be respectful and honor the spirit of this policy. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and other sexualities and gender identities/expressions). 


We have found that open communication between teams is super helpful. If there is a situation that may raise some questions from opposing teams, captains are encouraged to have a quick conversation with our umpire/official before the game to ensure everyone is on the same page. At the end of the day, inclusivity is key. 



Outdoor Rules


Beginning of the Game


Games start on time!!! Teams must be prepared to play. Forfeit rule: game time is forfeit time. 

NO METAL SPIKES ARE ALLOWED. Any equipment in question should be brought to the attention of the umpire. The umpire will make all final decisions with regard to equipment discrepancies.

All games are seven innings or 45/50 minutes (warm up time included); the last inning will start 10 - 15 minutes from that time. The ump will enforce this rule and will make the call at the top of the final inning. Note: Due to differing circumstances in each and every game, some games will finish short in game time, while others might run over the game time. Please respect your ump's call in this matter. They must keep all games on time in fairness to teams playing later hours and due to facility permit restrictions.

Games will be played on a regulation softball diamond or in an open grass area depending on field conditions. The pitcher and fielders must stay behind the pitcher’s mound until the ball is kicked. The catcher or kicker is not allowed to cross home plate until the ball is contacted. The kicker may not attempt to kick the ball in front of home plate. If the kicker does contact the ball in front of home plate it will be considered a foul. During the playoffs any league with 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A and Flight B Playoff Bracket.


Team Size


10 players play at time. 6 males and 4 females play on the field. Teams may start with 8 players, but 3 must be female. A maximum of 6 males may play on the field.

PROTESTS: There are no protests for any reason whatsoever. The referee's decision is final.

FORFEITS: If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:

First Offense: Loss game and warning issued.

Second Offense: Loss game and staff reserves the right to remove team from league with no refund.

Third Offense: Removal from the league with no refund for games not played.

If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office (773.528.1999) to help us notify your opponent. This does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit. 


Game Play


All batters will start with a one ball, one strike count. The "strike zone" extends to 1 foot on either side of home plate, and 1 foot high. Pitches must be rolled underhand towards home plate.

Pitches may not be bounced, only rolled towards the kicker! Pitches that bounce more than one foot above the ground will be considered an illegal pitch, and thus deemed a ball. All kicks must be made by foot and must occur at or behind home plate.

Pitches must be rolled at a REASONABLE pace. Umpires will call "fast" when pitches are coming in too fast and it will be an automatic ball. It is the umpire’s discretion as to what will be considered too fast. The pitch speed rule is in place to ensure that our kickball leagues stay fun for everyone.

Bunting is NOT allowed. An intentional bunt in the opinion of the umpire is an automatic out. Player's must extend thier leg fully otherwise and automatic out will be called.

If a male is walked “ON PURPOSE”, and a female follows him in the batting order, the female has the choice to take a walk or bat. The Umpire will enforce this rule upon request; however, they will not be responsible for notifying the batter in each walk situation.   If the umpire deems that the male player was not walked on purpose then the female player must bat.

A batter with two strikes is allowed one foul ball, on the second foul with two strikes, the batter is out.

Game mercy rule: 10 runs up after five complete innings.




Teams must have at least 3 females playing to start and continue a game. Teams playing with 3 females must take an automatic out in the batting order in the spot that the 4th female would bat.

A maximum of 2 male batters may bat in a row at any point in the batting order.

Teams may bat as many batters as they want as long as they do not bat more than 2 males in a row at any point of the batting order(including when the lineup flips over to the top)

Example Batting Orders:

10 Players (4 females): M,M,F,M,M,F,M,M,F,F

10 Players (4 females): M,M,F,M,M,F,M,F,M,F

11 Players (4 females): M,M,F,M,M,F,M,M,F,M,F

12 Players (4 females): M,M,F,M,M,F,M,M,F,M,M,F


Teams may move players in and out of any fielding position as long as they remain in the same spot in the batting order.

No player may re-enter the game once he/she has been removed from the batting order. Teams must take an out in the batters spot once they have left the line-up before the end of the game.

All players in the field must be listed in the batting order. There are no designated hitters allowed. Any attempt at doing so must be brought to the attention of the umpire prior to game time and can only be deemed allowable by the opposing captain.


Running the Basses and Fielding


No leadoffs or stealing, runners can leave the base once the ball is hit by the batter. If a runner leaves early, the ball is dead and the runner is declared out. If this is the 3rd out of the inning the batter will be first up in the next inning.

Players are considered out by one of the following means:

  • Striking out,
  • A fly ball caught by the defense,
  • A throw out at one of the lead bases,
  • The runner being tagged by the ball,
  • Infield fly rule,
  • A foul out,
  • A runner being struck by a thrown ball below the head while attempting to advance or return to a base. If a runner is struck in the head the player who threw the ball may be ejected from the game. After the second such incident that player is ejected from the league. Furthermore, If a runner is hit with the ball in the head the play is immediately stopped.  All Players on the base path will be awarded one additional base and the player who threw the ball can be ejected from the game. 
  • Players may be hit anywhere below the shoulders with a thrown ball and will be considered out.
  • If the runner intentionally uses their head to block the ball, in the eyes of the official, will be deemed out.
  • Base runner to defensive player contact will be closely watched by the ump. Any excessive contact or collision will result in an "out" and/or ejection. This includes contact with the catcher. Sliding is allowed. Any sliding into a base to break up a double play, or any intentional (in the eyes of the official) interference with the defensive player, the runner and the batter will be called out.
  • A foul kick above the batter's head may be caught for an out.

All thrown balls are deemed out of play when:

  • The ball is thrown over the fence
  • The ball is thrown beyond the fence
  • The ball is thrown beyond the imaginary line extending from the end of the backstop (if there is no fence).
    This imaginary line applies to overthrows and caught fly foul balls.
  • The strike mat AND home plate will all be considered part of home plate when it comes to scoring. Similar to the safety base at 1st, runners are encouraged to tag the orange with catchers tagging the white. 
  • If the ball is overthrown and hits the fence behind the 1st or 3rd base lines, this is NOT considered out of play and the runner may advance, BUT at their own risk. On overthrows out of play, the runner is granted the base he/she is going to (at the point of the throw) plus one more. Note: in cases where a base runner runs past first base, he/she must make a clearly aggressive turn towards second base to be granted 2nd and 3rd in overthrow situations.

On an infield fly (any ball kicked within the infield with significant arc and deemed an "easy catch") with less than 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the batter is automatically out and runners can advance, BUT at their own risk.

All outfielders must remain behind the coned "outfield line" when a female is up to bat. If the "line" is not clearly marked it us up to the umpire's discretion if an outfielder is too close to the infield. There cannot be more than 7 players on the infield at any one time. Once contact has been made the outfielders may cross the line. If an outfielder crosses the line before contact has been made the female may be awarded first base.


Player Behavior


This is a recreation league and it is designed for fun.  Players who become unruly during a game to a player, official, teammate, or fan will be asked to leave.  If a player is asked to leave a game due to unruly behavior they will be suspended for the following week’s game.  All teams should encourage sportsmanship and display it on the field.


Weather Info


The weather in Chicago can change from hour to hour. We play through light rain but not thunderstorms. We have a Weather Information System in place for you to get up-to-date info about the weather. The link is or you can call the old-school number at 773-231-5001. At that link you can download the RainoutLine app is you prefer push notifications about the weather. Lastly, make sure to "Opt in" to text message updates from us so we can notify you about cancellations. You can do this at your Player Page at  



All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket.  At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record.  Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed.  If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains  to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team.  If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit.  Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.




BEACH Kickball Rules


Beginning of the Game


Games start on time!!! Teams must be prepared to play. Forfeit rule: game time is forfeit time

NO SPIKES ARE ALLOWED. Any equipment in question should be brought to the attention of the umpire. The umpire will make all final decisions with regard to equipment discrepancies.

All games are seven innings or 45/50 minutes (warm up time included); the last inning will start 10 - 15 minutes from that time. The ump will enforce this rule and will make the call at the top of the final inning. Note: Due to differing circumstances in each and every game, some games will finish short in game time, while others might run over the game time. Please respect your ump's call in this matter. They must keep all games on time in fairness to teams playing later hours and due to facility permit restrictions.

Games will be played in the SAND on the beach. The pitcher and fielders must stay behind the pitcher’s mound until the ball is kicked. The catcher or kicker is not allowed to cross home plate until the ball is contacted. The kicker may not attempt to kick the ball in front of home plate. If the kicker does contact the ball in front of home plate it will be considered a foul. During the playoffs any league with 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A and Flight B Playoff Bracket.


Team Size


8 players play at time. 6 men and 2 women play on the field. Teams may start with 6 players, but 1 must be female. A maximum of 5 males may play on the field.

PROTESTS: There are no protests for any reason whatsoever. The referee's decision is final.

FORFEITS: If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:

First Offense: Loss game and warning issued.

Second Offense: Loss game and staff reserves the right to remove team from league with no refund.

Third Offense: Removal from the league with no refund for games not played.

If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office (773.528.1999) to help us notify your opponent. This does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit. 


Game Play


All batters will start with a one ball, one strike count. The "strike zone" extends to 1 foot on either side of home plate, and 1 foot high. Pitches must be rolled underhand towards home plate.

Pitches may not be bounced, only rolled towards the kicker! Pitches that bounce more than one foot above the ground will be considered an illegal pitch, and thus deemed a ball. All kicks must be made by foot and must occur at or behind home plate.

Pitches must be rolled at a REASONABLE pace. Umpires will call "fast" when pitches are coming in too fast and it will be an automatic ball. It is the umpire’s discretion as to what will be considered too fast. The pitch speed rule is in place to ensure that our kickball leagues stay fun for everyone.

Bunting is NOT allowed. An intentional bunt in the opinion of the umpire is an automatic out. Player's must extend thier leg fully otherwise and automatic out will be called.

If a male is walked “ON PURPOSE”, and a female follows him in the batting order, the female has the choice to take a walk or bat. The Umpire will enforce this rule upon request; however, they will not be responsible for notifying the batter in each walk situation.   If the umpire deems that the male player was not walked on purpose then the female player must bat.

A batter with two strikes is allowed one foul ball, on the second foul with two strikes, the batter is out.

Game mercy rule: 10 runs up after five complete innings.




Teams must have at least 1 female playing to start and continue a game. Teams playing with 1 female must take an automatic out in the last spot of the batting order.

There are NO batting order restrictions when it comes to genders in BEACH kickball!

Teams may bat as many batters as they want. Teams may move players in and out of any fielding position as long as they remain in the same spot in the batting order.

No player may re-enter the game once they have been removed from the batting order. Teams must take an out in the batters spot once they have left the line-up before the end of the game.

All players in the field must be listed in the batting order. There are no designated hitters allowed. Any attempt at doing so must be brought to the attention of the umpire prior to game time and can only be deemed allowable by the opposing captain.


Running the Basses and Fielding


No leadoffs or stealing, runners can leave the base once the ball is hit by the batter. If a runner leaves early, the ball is dead and the runner is declared out. If this is the 3rd out of the inning the batter will be first up in the next inning.

Players are considered out by one of the following means:

  • Striking out,
  • A fly ball caught by the defense,
  • A throw out at one of the lead bases,
  • The runner being tagged by the ball,
  • Infield fly rule,
  • A foul out,
  • A runner being struck by a thrown ball below the head while attempting to advance or return to a base. If a runner is struck in the head the player who threw the ball may be ejected from the game. After the second such incident that player is ejected from the league. Furthermore, If a runner is hit with the ball in the head the play is immediately stopped.  All Players on the base path will be awarded one additional base and the player who threw the ball can be ejected from the game. 
  • Players may be hit anywhere below the shoulders with a thrown ball and will be considered out.
  • If the runner intentionally uses their head to block the ball, in the eyes of the official, will be deemed out.
  • Base runner to defensive player contact will be closely watched by the ump. Any excessive contact or collision will result in an "out" and/or ejection. This includes contact with the catcher. Sliding is allowed. Any sliding into a base to break up a double play, or any intentional (in the eyes of the official) interference with the defensive player, the runner and the batter will be called out.
  • A foul kick above the batter's head may be caught for an out.

All thrown balls are deemed out of play when:

  • The ball enters the water
  • The ball is thrown beyond the imaginary line extending from the end of the backstop (if there is no fence).
    This imaginary line applies to overthrows and caught fly foul balls.
  • The strike mat AND home plate will all be considered part of home plate when it comes to scoring. Similar to the safety base at 1st, runners are encouraged to tag the orange with catchers tagging the white. 
  • On overthrows out of play, the runner is granted the base he/she is going to (at the point of the throw) plus one more. Note: in cases where a base runner runs past first base, they must make a clearly aggressive turn towards second base to be granted 2nd and 3rd in overthrow situations.

On an infield fly (any ball kicked within the infield with significant arc and deemed an "easy catch") with less than 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the batter is automatically out and runners can advance, BUT at their own risk.

All outfielders must remain behind the coned "outfield line" when a female is up to bat. If the "line" is not clearly marked it us up to the umpire's discretion if an outfielder is too close to the infield. There cannot be more than 7 players on the infield at any one time. Once contact has been made the outfielders may cross the line. If an outfielder crosses the line before contact has been made the female may be awarded first base.


Player Behavior


This is a recreation league and it is designed for fun.  Players who become unruly during a game to a player, official, teammate, or fan will be asked to leave.  If a player is asked to leave a game due to unruly behavior they will be suspended for the following week’s game.  All teams should encourage sportsmanship and display it on the field.


Weather Info


The weather in Chicago can change from hour to hour. We play through light rain but not thunderstorms. We have a Weather Information System in place for you to get up-to-date info about the weather. The link is or you can call the old-school number at 773-231-5001. At that link you can download the RainoutLine app is you prefer push notifications about the weather. Lastly, make sure to "Opt in" to text message updates from us so we can notify you about cancellations. You can do this at your Player Page at  



All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket.  At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record.  Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed.  If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains  to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team.  If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit.  Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.



All of the above rules are subject to change at any time without notice at the discretion of Players Sport & Social Group.

White Claw Hard Seltzer Centre Physical Therapy White Claw Spirits

For the last three years, I have been playing indoor and beach volleyball with Players Sport & Social. They are always exceptional and professional. My favorite part of the leagues is the cadence and the different formats that they offer; whether you want to play Rec vs Competitive or 2s vs 6s - they have it all! They also have referees for all of their indoor leagues, and they are prompt to email requests.

Luis A.   

Love attending the Luau tournaments they host! Such a fun environment they set up!

Ashley W.   

Players Sports Volleyball tournaments are great! Always well-organized, and fun to meet and hang out with friends.

Aaron R.   

I've been competing in their leagues and tournaments for years. Always well run and a good time.

Jahred Z.