Coed 8v8 Flag Football Rules - Outdoor
Men's 7v7 Flag Football Rules - Outdoor
Men's 6v6 & Coed 6v6 Flag Football Rules - Indoor
Coed 5v5 *SPEED* Flag Football Rules - Indoor
*NEW* Rosters & Waivers Required *NEW*
All players must be listed on the team roster AND must accept & sign the online waiver to be allowed to play. Captains can edit their roster by logging in at and clicking "Manage My Team." Once listed on the roster, all players can log in to sign the waiver at
Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
Every individual participating in a Players Sport & Social Group program may compete as a member of the gender that they identify with, regardless of their gender at birth. We expect all players to be respectful and honor the spirit of this policy. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and other sexualities and gender identities/expressions).
We have found that open communication between teams is super helpful. If there is a situation that may raise some questions from opposing teams, captains are encouraged to have a quick conversation with our umpire/official before the game to ensure everyone is on the same page. At the end of the day, inclusivity is key.
Game Length: Games consist of two (2) twenty (20)-minute halves with a running clock and two-minute warning at the end of the second half. A game will be considered played in full when second half starts. No games will be rescheduled for weather or for any other reasons once the second half starts in any game. During the playoffs any league with 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A and Flight B Playoff Bracket.
Two-Minute Warning: A two-minute warning is given to both team captains when there is two minutes remaining in the second half or immediately after the play if the two-minute point is reached during a play. The clock is stopped during the warning and starts at the next snap.
Stopping the Clock: Prior to the two-minute warning the clock stops only at a time out, during an injury, at an official's discussion. The clock will continue to run after an offensive score unless the 2 min warning has been given. The clock stops at the two-minute warning. During the last two minutes of the second half, the clock stops for:
An offensive or defensive score
The referee’s have the ability to stop the clock for judgment calls and re-setting the ball at the line of scrimmage.
Time Outs: Each team receives one time out per half, which cannot be carried over into the next half. If an injured player delays the game, the officials stop the clock and the injured player must sit out at least one play.
Time Between Plays: The offensive team is allowed 30 seconds between plays including kickoffs. The 30-second clock begins when the linesman sets the ball for the next play.
Teams will consist of 5 men and 3 women. Teams must have a minimum of 6 players (2 being women) to begin a game. There is no minimum for men as long as there are 6 total players. Teams may have as many players on their roster as they want. There is no maximum limit on the amount of females on the field at one time. All rosters must be finalized by the second week of the regular season. Players may only be on one roster per league. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit.
Mercy Rules: If a team is ahead by 17 points at or after the 2nd half two-minute warning, the clock does not stop.
In the regular season if the score is tied at the end of the overtime period the game ends in a tie. In the playoffs if the score is tied at the end of the overtime period, sudden death overtime will occur. Sudden death overtime will follow the following procedure.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game. However this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
In the event of bad weather call our Rainout Line @ (773) 231-5001. Football is extension #5.
All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit. Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.
Sportsmanship = Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
Game Length: Games consist of two(2) twenty(20)-minute halves with a running clock and two-minute warning at the end of the second half. During the playoffs any league with 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A and Flight B Playoff Bracket.
Two-Minute Warning: A two-minute warning is given to both captains of a game when there is two minutes remaining in the second half or immediately after the play if the two-minute point is reached during a play. The clock is stopped during the warning and starts at the next snap.
Stopping the Clock: Prior to each two-minute warning, the only time the clock stops is after during time outs, injuries, official's discussions, and fights. The clock stops at the two-minute warning. During the last two minutes of the second half, the clock stops for: 1) incomplete passes (starts on snap), 2) out of bounds (starts on snap), 3) time outs (starts on snap), 4) official's time outs (starts on "ready" whistle), 5) penalties (starts on snap if clock was stopped, starts on "ready" whistle if clock was running), and 6) punts (starts when ball hits foot). The referee’s have the ability to stop the clock for judgment calls and re-setting the ball at the line of scrimmage.
Time Outs: Each team receives one time out per half, which cannot be carried over into the next half. If an injured player delays the game, the officials stop the clock and the injured player must sit out at least one play.
Time Between Plays: The offensive team is allowed 30 seconds between plays including kickoffs. The 30-second clock begins when the linesman sets the ball for the next play.
Team Size: Seven players per team on the field. You team many have as many players as you like on your roster. All Players Must Be 19 Years of Age. Fewer than five players will result in a forfeit.
Carrying the Ball: The ball-carrier may never: 1) flag guard (using the hand or ball), 2) run directly into a defender (charge), 3) crawl, 4) dive or jump to advance the ball, or 5) toss the ball in the air to avoid a flag pull while in possession of the ball (toss to self). A ball-carrier that falls or a receiver that dives to make a catch may get up and advance the ball unless one-hand touched by a defender before being on both feet again. The stiff-arm is not legal. Jumping over a fallen defender is legal.
Formations: The offense must have a minimum of three men on the line of scrimmage, as blockers and one must be the center. You may have as many on the line as you want.
Eligible Receivers: ALL players are considered eligible receivers
Passes: Only one forward pass is allowed per play. A forward pass is a ball thrown or handed forward, overhand or otherwise. A lateral is a ball thrown parallel to the line of scrimmage or toward the offensive side of it, overhand or otherwise. A lateral is, by definition, not forward.
Offensive Line: Offensive lines must have at least the center and two tackles, with each lineman within arm's length of the lineman next to him. All blocking between defensive line men and offensive line men must be between the shoulders and belly button and within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. When engaged in a block there cannot be any hands to the face, chop blocks, or unsportsmanlike manures that cause injury to the other player. Defensive players are allowed to use swim moves, bull rushes, and other techniques to rush the quarterback.
Down field blocking is acceptable only on kickoff and punt returns. Down field blocking on offensive plays must be “Screen Blocking” there is no down field blocking on offensive plays past 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. All players engaging in down field blocking on punts and kickoffs must do so with another player who is in the play and is in position to defend himself. Any player who engages in a downfield block with a player who is deemed defenseless by the referee will be subjected to an automatic ejection from the game and potential league removal.
Going Out of Bounds: A player without the ball that steps out of bounds on his own is ineligible to re-enter during that play. If the players is forced out by a defensive player; they are eligible to re-enter the play.
Legal Catch: A legal catch is defined the same as in the college. For a legal catch, the player must control the ball throughout the act of touching one foot, or any other part of the body except the hands, to the ground in bounds. If pushed out of bounds by a defender during the act of catching the ball, an official may rule that the player would've been in bounds without the contact and award a catch.
Bad Snaps: Snaps that hit the ground are considered dead balls and downed at the spot of the fumble.
Sleeper Plays: To be eligible to participate in a given offensive play, a player must've been in the previous huddle (no sleeper plays) and no player changes can occur during a "hurry-up" offense. These are illegal procedure.
Center's Exchange: The ball must be snapped through the center's legs. At that time, possession of the ball must be transferred from the center to another player (quarterback) and cannot remain with or come back to the center. The quarterback may then transfer possession of the ball to an eligible receiver. Note that this effectively makes illegal a center sneak and associated plays.
Fumbles: There are no fumble recoveries. The ball is always dead where and when it hits the ground. An incomplete lateral is a fumble. Fumbles and laterals may be caught in the air by either team and advanced. A forward fumble caught by the team that fumbled is a forward pass.
Mercy Rules: If a team is ahead by 17 points at or after the 2nd half two-minute warning, the clock does not stop.
Points: A touchdown is worth six points. Safeties are worth two points. Extra points are worth one or two points.
Extra Points: You may run or pass from the three-yard line for one point, or run or pass from the 10-yard line for two points. Intercepted or fumbled extra points are deemed dead balls. Note that an extra point may always be attempted, even if time has expired.
Restraining Line: This is the yard-line where the receiving team must be behind on a kickoff. Also known as the 40 yd line.
Muff: A ball dropped or touched by a kick or punt returner who never fully had possession of the punted or kicked ball.
On kickoff if the ball is kicked out of bounds the receiving team will get the ball at the 40 yard line
On Kickoff if a it is a touchback the ball will be placed on the 20 yard line cone
After Safeties: After a safety, the kicking team may elect to kickoff or punt from their own 20 yard line. The kick or punt is treated the same as a kickoff.
Formations: Defenses may choose any defensive scheme they please with no restrictions on linemen expect NO Player can line up directly over teh center or rush teh center directly.
Bumping Defenders: Each defender is allowed only one chuck of a receiver. A legal chuck (or bump) is with open hands between the waist and shoulders within the first five yards. The hands must be withdrawn after the initial contact.
The defender cannot use contact to break up a pass play. Face guarding is defined as pass interference. The defender cannot de-flag the receiver prior to the reception. After a pass is touched, contact can be made without pass interference being called. However, a pass may still not be broken-up with contact.
Tackling: No tackling allowed.
Pushing Out of bounds: Any push out of bounds within 10 yards of the end zone will be judged a touchdown automatically, unless other defenders are present to stop the ball carrier.
Defensive Audible: The defense is not allowed to simulate offensive calls by trying to sound like the quarterback. This includes, but is not limited to, saying such things as "hut-hut" or "go-go". This is called "Imitating the Offensive Calls".
Rushing the Quarterback: Immediate rush at snap.
Drawing Offside: Defenders are not allowed to attempt to draw offensive players offside or attempt to make offensive linemen move.
Enforcement Notes: When penalty yardage exceeds more than 50% of remaining yardage to the goal line, the ball is spotted half the distance to the goal line. For a defensive penalty during a score, enforcement is on the kickoff. If both teams commit a penalty on the same play, the play is run over (this is called off-setting penalties). If one team commits multiple fouls on same play, only largest single one is enforced. In addition, all personal fouls are always enforced.
Unnecessary Roughness: Any infraction in flag football that is deemed potentially hazardous by an official can be elevated to Unnecessary Roughness. This can lead to a 15-yard personal foul and include ejection.
Spot Fouls: These penalties are presumed to end or prolong a play illegally. Therefore, the play counts up to the point of the infraction and enforcement of the penalty requires assessment of yardage from the spot of the foul. An example is tackling, in which case, the play would've continued except for the tackle. If the offense earns a first down, but enforcement of a spot foul brings the ball back over the first down line, they still have the first down. But to earn another first down, they must cross the line they would've needed to cross, had there been no penalty. If a defense in possession of the ball or a return team commits this type of foul and enforcement of the foul brings the ball back over a first down line, they have first down and must cross the nearest marker to earn another first down.
Penalty Assessments:
In the regular season if the score is tied at the end of the overtime period the game ends in a tie. In the playoffs if the score is tied at the end of the overtime period, sudden death overtime will occur. Sudden death overtime will follow the following procedure.
Officiating Team: The team of officials consists of two officials.
Referee: This is the head official of the game, he also has the role of linesman.
Official's Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of the officials extends to the confines of the entire park. This includes any visible area from the playing field.
Officials Disagreeing: The head official can reverse any other official's decision.
Inadvertent Whistles: If the whistle is blown prematurely, the team in possession at the time of the inadvertent whistle will have the choice of the play to the point of the whistle or the down over. If the ball is loose by punt pass or kick at the time of the inadvertent whistle, the down is replayed.
Forfeits (Enforcement): Game time is forfeit time.
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game however this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
In the event of bad weather call our Rainout Line @ (773) 231-5001. Football is extension #5.
All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit. Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.
Sportsmanship = Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
Game Length: Each game consists of two 20-minute halves with a running clock..
Stopping the Clock: The clock does not stop. The clock will continue to run after an offensive score.
The referee’s have the ability to stop the clock for judgment calls and re-setting the ball at the line of scrimmage.
Time Outs: Each team receives one time out per half, which cannot be carried over into the next half. If an injured player delays the game, the officials stop the clock and the injured player must sit out at least one play.
Time Between Plays: The offensive team is allowed 20 seconds between The 20-second clock begins when the linesman sets the ball for the next play.
Men’s Teams are 6 on 6 with a minimum of 4 players to start the game
Coed Teams will consist of 4 men and 2 women. Teams must have a minimum of 4 players (1 being women) to begin a game. There is no minimum for men as long as there are 4 total players. There is no limit to the number of players on your roster.
A touch down is worth 6 points.
Extra points are worth:
On 4th down, teams must announce their intention to either punt or play out the 4th down situation. There are no fake punts.
In a punting situation neither the offensive nor defensive team may cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted.
There is no overtime in the indoor leagues. If the game clock expires and the scores are the same the game will be recorded as a tie.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game. However this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
In the event of bad weather call our Rainout Line @ (773) 231-5001. Football is extension #5.
All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit. Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.
Coed 5v5 *SPEED* Flag Football Rules
Sportsmanship = Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues! It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. All players and referees should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work tomorrow, so please keep safety & sportsmanship in mind out there!
Game Length: Games consist of two (2) twenty (20)-minute halves with a running clock . A game will be considered played in full when second half starts. No games will be rescheduled for weather or for any other reasons once the second half starts in any game. During the playoffs any league with 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A and Flight B Playoff Bracket.
Stopping the Clock: Prior to the last two-minutes of the second half, the clock stops only at a time out, during an injury, or at an official's discussion. During the last two minutes of the second half, the clock stops for:
An offensive or defensive score
The referee’s have the ability to stop the clock for judgment calls and re-setting the ball at the line of scrimmage.
Time Outs: Each team receives one time out per half, which cannot be carried over into the next half. If an injured player delays the game, the officials stop the clock and the injured player must sit out at least one play.
Time Between Plays: The offensive team is allowed 20 seconds. The 20-second clock begins when the linesman sets the ball for the next play.
Coed Teams will consist of 3 men and 2 women. Teams must have a minimum of 4 players (1 being women) to begin a game. There is no minimum for men as long as there are 4 total players and no more than 3 men. There is no limit to the number of players on your roster.
A touch down is worth 6 points.
Extra points are worth:
On 4th down, there are NO punts. Teams must go for it on fourth down. A turnover on downs will result in the defensive team gaining possession on their own 4 yard line.
There is no overtime in the indoor leagues. If the game clock expires and the scores are the same the game will be recorded as a tie.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game. However this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit.
In the event of bad weather call our Rainout Line @ (773) 231-5001. Football is extension #5.
All leagues that have 12 or more teams will be split into a Flight A & Flight B Playoff Bracket. At the end of the season all captains are responsible for confirming their team’s end of season team record. Once playoff brackets are posted and playoff games are played the tournament seeding will not be changed. If there is an incorrect score posted for your team, the captain is responsible for notifying the league office prior to the playoffs being played. During the regular season it is ok for team captains to ask players from other teams to “Sub or Fill In” open slots on game day, to avoid forfeit. In the playoffs, a player can only participate and play for one team. If a player is found playing on two or more teams in the playoffs all games are subject to forfeit. Players must play in a minimum of one regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.
All of the above rules are subject to change at any time without notice at the discretion of Players Sport & Social Group. 1/1/17 SB..
For the last three years, I have been playing indoor and beach volleyball with Players Sport & Social. They are always exceptional and professional. My favorite part of the leagues is the cadence and the different formats that they offer; whether you want to play Rec vs Competitive or 2s vs 6s - they have it all! They also have referees for all of their indoor leagues, and they are prompt to email requests.
Love attending the Luau tournaments they host! Such a fun environment they set up!
Players Sports Volleyball tournaments are great! Always well-organized, and fun to meet and hang out with friends.
I've been competing in their leagues and tournaments for years. Always well run and a good time.
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